The Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
The SMP option is available to current members of the Reserve Component (Army Reserve or National Guard) or non-scholarship ROTC Basic Course cadets, MSIs and MSIIs, who wish to receive financial assistance.
The SMP option is available to current members of the Reserve Component (Army Reserve or National Guard) or non-scholarship ROTC Basic Course cadets, MSIs and MSIIs, who wish to receive financial assistance.
Earn a college degree and so much more…
Through classes and field training, Army ROTC provides you with the tools to become an Army Officer without interfering with your other classes. ROTC also provides you with discipline and money for tuition while enhancing your college experience. If you're interested in enrolling in Army ROTC and you are in college, you can start by taking an Army ROTC basic Military Science course.
Start thinking about your future today! If you are planning on attending a four-year college and are interested in receiving a tuition scholarship along with some of the best leadership training available, Arizona State University Army ROTC may be right for you. The application is done on a national level. You can receive a full 4-year scholarship or a 3-year Advanced Designee scholarship, which means that your scholarship money wouldn't kick in until your sophomore year. Army ROTC scholarships cover full tuition and fees or room/board.
This scholarship is for current high school juniors/seniors planning on attending a four-year university. You could receive a full 4-year scholarship or a 3-year Advanced Designee scholarship to the college of your choice. If you don't receive the national scholarship, you can still sign up for MIS 101 your freshman year and compete for a campus-based scholarship.
Participant: A participating cadet is anyone who is taking a 100 or 200 level ROTC class. Every Cadet starts off as a participant. Basic requirements to participate in Army ROTC at ASU:
The Department of Military Science at Arizona State University was founded in 1935. The Sun Devil Battalion is one of the oldest and more successful ROTC programs in the country. Established as the Department of Military Science in the College of Liberal Arts, the Battalion ranks in the top 10 institutions across the U.S. and commissions on average 50 second Lieutenants for the Army service in Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard components each year.
MIS 101 - Intro to the US Army (4 Credit Hours) – Offered in the fall only
MIS 102 - Foundation of Agile and Adaptive Leadership (4 Credit Hours) – Offered in the spring only