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Cadet Summer Training (CST) 2024

Cadet Summer Training (CST) is the single largest training event in the Army. Cadet Command trains more than 8,000 Cadets in 100 days at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

Shaping the leaders of tomorrow

Army ROTC is the Nation's largest commissioning source which produces more than 5,300 Second Lieutenants a year, or approximately 75% of all officers entering the Army annually. The Senior ROTC program is available in all 50 states and 4 U.S. territories on more than 950 college campuses.

The Sun Devil Battalion at ASU ranks in the Top 10 institutions across the United States and commissions on average 50 Second Lieutenants for the Army service in Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard components each year. 

Newly commissioned second lieutenants have responsibilities that far exceed those of most recent college graduates. They routinely shoulder responsibility for training, inspiring and leading more than 30 Soldiers in demanding environments in the U.S. and around the world.

Outstanding students

There are more than 32,000 high-performing students in Senior ROTC nationwide: More than 30% major in STEM fields and nearly 1000 are NCAA collegiate athletes. 

ASU Army ROTC has a student success manager to develop and implement innovative success strategies designed to enhance the academic persistence, progression and degree completion. ASU Army ROTC cadets maintain a 3.47 average GPA with 95% graduation rate.

ASU Army ROTC offers the flexibility for cadets to choose the major that better fit their needs / strengths.  They can study from the 350 + plus degrees offered at ASU and become an Army Officer on Active Duty, Reserve or National Guard.

The rewards of selfless service to our nation

Besides the honor of serving your country, a career in the military brings a sense of fulfilment while you help, serve and protect others.

Why join Army ROTC


Nationwide, the Army ROTC program provides more college scholarships than any other program in America, with merit-based benefits going to more than 17,000 students every year. The total amount of scholarship benefits is annually over $320 million.

Special paths are available for members of the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserves, and they may seek full-time, Active Duty commissions or positions guaranteed to remain in the reserve forces to stay in their community to pursue other career and locally-focused goals.

All our scholarships pay for either full tuition and fees or room and board at the Cadet’s choice.

2024 Sun Devil Battalion events

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New Cadet Orientation will take place from August 15 to August 16. Families are invited to attend and will be the primary focus for most of Day 1. We recommend parking at the Fulton Garage, after move in, for Day 1.
First day: early move-in at different ASU dorms, check in/in processing at the Social Science Building, parents brief and reception with Cadre, Cadets and Parents. 
Second day: Army Combat Fitness Test Familiarization, Team Building Program, Meeting with Student Success Manager and ASU Organizations.
What to wear: Business Casual/ Polo, slacks and/or dress shorts. 
For more details, please check on the following link:
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The Commissioning Ceremony is a long-standing tradition that marks the symbolic first step a young lieutenant takes on the path of being an Army Officer.  
Family and close friends have the opportunity to participate in and celebrate this milestone. We are grateful for the investment that they have made in their loved one and proud of the persistence and grit that these leaders have shown in our program over the years.


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The Ranger Challenge Competition is designed to challenge cadets both physically and mentally as well as enhance leader development and team cohesion.
The competition includes a variety of events such as the ACFT, One-Rope Bridge, Land Navigation, Marksmanship (Stress Shoot), Tactical Combat Casualty Care, Obstacle Course, Grenade Assault Course, Zodiac carry, a 6-mile ruck march and more.

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